Freight Portal Introduction and Navigation
Welcome To Freight Portal
This is the main homepage known as "Freight Portal". This will be the screen you navigate to in order to view both active and historical shipments as well as access the additional tabs and features available in your environment.
Navigating Freight Portal
The top left header section contains an additional menu to help users navigate around the portal.
After clicking the additional menu or "hamburger" icon, a window on the left side of your screen will pop out allowing you to navigate to additional features and options.
Freight Portal Sections / Sub-page Navigation
- Active Shipments - Card View
- Active Shipments - List View
- Active Shipments - Calendar View
- Historical Shipments - History
- Notifications
- Locations
- Preferences
- Analytics
- Legacy Page - Shipments
- Legacy Page - Shared Views
*All of these pages are customizable at the user level and can be turned ON or OFF by an Administrator User inside of Organization Settings; therefore, not all users will have the same navigation menu options denoted above.
Each active shipment has it's own Card in this view, denoting high level shipment information with access to drill in further to the Shipment Full Details Page.
Users can quickly select different counters, which act as quick access filters from the menu option shown below:
Counters configuration:
Users can select which counters they want to see as well as in which order. Each individual user can have a unique set of counters and display order in a self-service manner.
Shipment View Options
- Cards
- List
- Calendar
- History
Users will have 4 different page options to use, depending on which view suits that user's workflow best. These can be toggled between as shown below:
App Launcher
Quick access to other commonly used Trimble Transportation applications is included in the top-right navigation as shown below:
Account Settings Options
- Settings - navigate to Settings Page, where Administrator users can access User Management
- Contact Support - quick link to open a Trimble Visibility Support email with your system's default email provider
- FAQs - access to these overview documents
- Log Out - manually logs-out user from the application
There are a variety of Filters options. Please navigate to the Filters article to learn more about these areas.
Views are broken down in two distinct areas:
Saved Views:
Shared Views
Please navigate to the Saved and Shared Views article to learn more about these areas.
Counters / Columns
Counters were already discussed earlier in this article.
Columns control the column headers of data displayed in the List and History Pages. These data element headers can be turned ON or OFF as well as reordered to the user's preference.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to our Freight Visibility Support Team