Visibility Drive: Mobile App User Guide
Visibility Drive - Mobile Application
Welcome to Trimble Visibility! The following is a guide to assist users with utilizing our mobile application. In this reference guide, we hope to provide a deeper dive into the functionality of the Visibility Drive mobile application for Android smartphones.
To get started: download the Visibility Drive application to your device or smartphone via your device's application store. For Android, version 169 (2.6.1) is the current version available in the Google Play store. For IOS, 591 (3.6.1) is the current version available in the App Store.
Once downloaded, users can open the application to the home page, and manually enter the shipment information (Shipment ID and Carrier Identifier) to begin tracking. Please ensure that you are using the correct identifier (SCAC/MC/DOT) that the Customer is utilizing or an error may occur.
**Please note, if a driver is already assigned a shipment via Carrier Portal by telephone number, a user will not be able to begin tracking manually. This is due to the system already seeing this shipment as assigned and unavailable.**
Alternatively, if a driver's phone number is entered into the Trimble Visibility Carrier Portal, the assigned driver will receive a text message with shipment information and 2 available links. The first will be to download the application, if not already downloaded, and the second link will automatically initiate tracking by opening the application to the assigned shipment.
When the second link is clicked, the mobile application will open to the shipment information page and show tracking:
Shipment Options
When clicked, the Shipment Options button will provide 3 separate choices Pause Tracking, Complete Shipment, or Exit Shipment.
- Pause tracking - temporarily stops tracking on the shipment. This option is usually used at a rest stop or for unintended stops or reroutes. This option will keep the shipment active, but will not actively track the driver. To initiate tracking again, the user will go back into the application and click Un-Pause
- Complete Shipment - ends all tracking and marks the shipment as complete (required once the driver is at the destination and has successfully delivered the shipment).
- Exit Shipment - stops tracking on the driver's phone, but will keep the shipment in its current status. This is best used for split loads when re-assigning drivers. Please note, if this is a split load, the second driver will still need to go into the application and initiate tracking for the same shipment ID.
Once the shipment option is chosen, the user will receive a prompt to select or deselect their chosen option.
Once the driver has delivered the shipment successfully, then they can click Complete Shipment and they will be redirected to the home screen when the completed shipment is processed. No other action is needed unless the driver has another shipment to track.
Additional Features:
Photos, Carrier Arrivals/Departures, Notes, Documents, and Details:
Application users can update shipment information throughout the life of the shipment using various tools within the application. Among those tools are updating arrivals/departures, adding notes, or uploading documents.
- Details, Notes, and Documents can be accessed for any stop within the shipment route.
- Document: when Document is selected, the user will be prompted to choose an existing photo from their gallery, to take a new photo, or to capture a signature.
Once a photo is taken or selected from the user's library, the application will prompt the user to categorize the photo. Once a category is chosen, the photo or signature will be uploaded into the Documents section.
- Note: to add a note, select the Notes icon and click the + to add a customized note at a specific stop. You will receive a confirmation once the note is saved, and it will appear under the associated stop.
After adding any Notes or Documents, the user will see a notification icon next to the associated category showing that an update was added:
- Details: this icon will allow the user to see more detail about each stop within the shipment. Within this field, the user can view the scheduled date and time of the associated stop, or they can edit the arrival and departure times.