Analytics and Standard Reports Guide
"Trimble Visibility Standard Reports" is a collection of 5 canned reports provided to the User on the Analytics tab in the Freight Portal product:
- Carrier Information - This is a series of 3 visualizations that allow the User to focus on On-Time percentages for their Carriers at the Origin and Destination, as well as overall shipment volume and tracking percentages for these Carriers.
- Stop Level Analysis - These 2 visualizations highlight the dwell times and On-Time percentages of specific stop locations, as well as a table that shows dwell time averages, shipment volume, and more details about the stop location.
- Detention Analysis - These visualizations focus on pointing out stops where the shipment arrived On-Time, but had a dwell time greater than 120 minutes. Each shipment that has a stop which incurs detention by this definition is provided in the table at the bottom and charted on a line graph to help the User identify trends.
- Lane Analysis - This tab gives the User a quick glance at the volume and performance of their lanes, which are defined as an Origin-Destination pair. Lanes are shown as solid lines on a map which are thicker when representing a higher volume of shipments.
- Shipment Raw Details - A simple table with all of the important details about every shipment being measured in these reports. Filterable and exportable, the purpose of this tab is to have a way for Users to quickly access their data for their own internal uses/reporting.
Scope of Data Sampled and Refresh Rates
The data is collected from the customer's database by selecting all shipments that are no longer active which have delivery dates within the last 30 days.
- A shipment is considered "no longer active" when it has a shipment status type of "Completed," "Expired" or "Cancelled." Completed and Expired shipments can be further defined in the Preferences tab.
- Delivery dates are defined first by Appointments at the Destination, or else by the Stop Scheduled Date in the absence of an Appointment.
- All reports are currently refreshed once a day at 12:00 a.m. (Midnight) MST/MDT, and the view in the reports will always reflect shipments which were expected to deliver in the last 30 days from the time said report refreshed (12:00 a.m. MST/MDT).
Filtering within Report Tabs
Our standard reports have a series of filters that can be used to drill down into the specifics of the customer's data. Each filter only applies to the tab on which it is located, and will not change the data on other tabs.
- Carrier - Lists all Carriers which currently have shipments which fall into the Sampled Data Scope
- Carrier ID - The SCAC, MC, DOT, or general Carrier ID of the Carriers being displayed
- Stop Scheduled Date - This date filter allows the User to narrow down the information shown by limiting data to shipments whose Stop Scheduled Date (if present) is between the two dates selected, but is still limited to only the 30 day window of the Sampled Data Scope (meaning that moving the starting date of this filter beyond the 30 day window will not actually pull that information as it is not included in the Sampled Data of the report).
- Appointment Date - This date filter allows the User to narrow down the information shown by limiting data to shipments whose Appointment Date (if present) is between the two dates selected, but is still limited to only the 30 day window of the Sampled Data Scope (meaning that moving the starting date of this filter beyond the 30 day window will not actually pull that information as it is not included in the Sampled Data of the report).
- Lane by Location Code - Lanes are an Origin-Destination pair, and this filter utilizes the Fixed Location Codes of the Origin-Destination pair to allow a User to look at shipments with a specific "Lane"
- Lane by Address - Similar to Lane by Location Code, selecting this Origin-Destination pair shows all shipments with the same Origin address and Destination Address.
- Origin City, State - As implied, this filter will narrow the data down to just shipments whose Origin City and State match the selection.
- Destination City, State - Similar to Origin City, State, this filter will narrow the data down to just shipments whose Destination City, State matches the selection.
- Stop Type - Filtering by stops types limits the data to show only information related to Origin stops, Intermediate stops (anything which is not the first or last stop), and Destination stops (the final stop on the shipment)
- Address - Limits data to one specific stop's address
- Fixed Location Code - Limits data to one specific stop's Fixed Location Code
- City, State - Limits data to stops which share the City, State selected
- Delivery Scheduled Date - This date filter allows the User to narrow down the information shown by limiting data to shipments whose Delivery Scheduled Date (Appointment at Destination, or else Stop Scheduled Date at Destination) is between the two dates selected, but is still limited to only the 30 day window of the Sampled Data Scope (meaning that moving the starting date of this filter beyond the 30 day window will not actually pull that information as it is not included in the Sampled Data of the report).
- Tracking Status - A shipment will be labeled "Tracked" if it has at least 1 unique Position Event (lat/long with a reported time) over the course of the shipment's life.
Utilizing the Visualizations
A series of visualizations are provided on each tab that will reflect the information available, including any Filters selected from the left column or any click-selections made on other visualizations on that tab.
Carrier Information
- "On Time Pickup %" - A clustered bar chart showing the percentage of shipment stops with an On Time status at the Origin, per Carrier
- "On Time Delivery %" - A clustered bar chart showing the percentage of shipment stops with an On Time status at the Destination, per Carrier
- "Total Shipments and On Time Percentages" - A line and clustered column chart where each column represents a single day's shipment volume (measured on the left of the chart), and a line graph showing the On Time percentage across that time period (measured on the right of the chart). These are measured over the span of the 30 date Delivery Date window.
Stop Level Analysis
- "Stop Level On Time % by Address" - Represents all stop types unless filtered, and the percentage of shipments which are On Time at that specific stop address
- "Average Dwel Time by Address" - Shows the Average Dwell time (Stop Departure minus Stop Arrival, both must be present to create a valid and measure dwell time and are otherwise excluded) for each stop address. When an average dwell time exceeds 120 minutes, it is highlighted in yellow. When an average dwell time exceeds 240 minutes, it is highlighted in red.
- The bottom chart gives further details about each stop and highlights average dwell times for stops which average above 120 minutes (yellow) or 240 minutes (red)
Detention Analysis
- "Count of Stop Detention by Date" - This line graph shows the number of shipments per day (Appointment or Stop Scheduled Date) where detention is incurred. Detention is defined as On Time shipments at a stop where dwell time exceeds 120 minutes.
- "Total Detention Eligible Stops by Address" - Shows all stop addresses where shipments incurred detention and highlights stops which incur detention most in the last 30 days.
- The bottom chart shows each shipment stop that incurred detention, as well as more information about that shipment.
Lane Analysis
- The leftmost table allows the User to sort and compare shipment volume by "Lane," an Origin-Destination pair, per each Carrier. Clicking rows in this table will also change the map visualization
- The Map shows all lanes which are currently being measured within the 30-day window of the Sample Data Scope. The thickness of the line indicates the volume of shipments through that lane, where thicker equates to a larger volume.
Shipment Raw Details
- This page is intended to provide an overview containing all pertinent details of all shipments being measured in the Sample Data Scope.
- This information can be exported to Excel by hovering your mouse over the table, then finding and clicking the three horizontal dots/ellipses in the top right of the table. Then choose "Export Data"